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Resmart menu manual Cpap
« on: July 21, 2011, 11:35:58 AM »
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
Table of Contents
1. Connecting RESmart Device with Your Windows Computer..............2
2. RESmart Device Analysis System Startup ...........................................2
3. Creating A New Patient Archive...........................................................2
4. Data Download .....................................................................................5
5. Opening Patient Archive.......................................................................7
6. Checking the Therapeutic Records .......................................................7
7. Checking the Diagrams of the Recorded Therapeutic Trends..............9
8. RESmart Device Controlling..............................................................10
9. Setting the Options..............................................................................10
10. Setting the Languages......................................................................12
11. Exiting..............................................................................................12
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
1. Connecting RESmart Device with Your Windows Computer
It is necessary to establish online communication between computer and RESmart-Device to
realize data transmission in between when some operations are being performed.
Link the 9-pin plug on the back side of RESmart with the serial port of PC by a dedicated data
cable. Power up RESmart and follow instructions given by the menus of the analysis software
interface. Data interchange can be done in this way.
Operations such as “Create New Patient Archive”, “Download”, “Device Information”, “Device
Time”, “Time Synchronization” and “User register” call for an online work of RESmart and PC.
2. RESmart Device Analysis System Startup
Double click the “RESmart 1.0 Beta” shortcut on the desktop to launch the analysis
software and the corresponding interface is shown below.
There is a menu bar on top of the screen where a tool palette with five frequently used buttons lies.
The sub-window in the centre of the screen serves to display the data trend diagrams and statistical
information of records. The status bar at the very bottom of the screen indicates present state of
the software.
3. Creating A New Patient Archive
RESmart can record data such as pressure, snore, respiration, etc to form a data file which is
stored in an embedded chip.
After the online connection of RESmart and PC, users can enter their personal information via PC
and send it to RESmart device by serial communication. Data from RESmart can firstly be
downloaded by PC and further combined with the corresponding user information to form a file.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
The file has an extended name of “.USR”, which is also known as patient archive. The above
series of procedures are called “create new patient archive”, which consists of RESmart
registration and its data downloads.
Patient archive takes 24 hours as a record period, that is to say, if any output is done from 12
o’clock at mid day to 12 o’clock of the next, this set of data are formed, or, no record is kept.
RESmart analysis software is able to reflect its therapeutic situation by patient archive statistical
3.1 Click “file” on the menu bar and choose “create new patient archive” option from the
pull-down menu. A dialog box comes up in the display window.
3.2 Link RESmart with PC as 1 mentioned and power up RESmart. Click “Yes” and a dialog box
for user registration appears as follows.
Click “OK” after entering user information, which will then be written into RESmart device
automatically. The sub-window below shows the writing course.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
When the writing course is done, a dialog box shows up in the screen, indicating “User register is
successful”. Click “OK” and another dialog box for saving the patient archive appears.
3.3 User designates a name to the file and its saving directory. (The analysis software forms a
default file name according to RESmart device ID and its user information.) After clicking the
“Save” button, the patient archive will be kept with the designated name and in the designated
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that all the patient archives be kept in the given
patient archive directory to facilitate the automatically matching search work. For setting the
patient archive directory, please refer to the relevant part on “setting the options” in the later part.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
Click “SAVE”. The analysis software can scan the therapy data in RESmart device automatically
and keep them in patient archive.
With all the above steps done, patient archive has been created successfully. Analysis system can
launch it automatically.
4. Data Download
RESmart device which has already created a patient archive in a PC, can upload its data to patient
archive when new therapeutic data are recorded. And this process requires an online work between
RESmart and PC.
NOTICE: RESmart device must be registered with user information and the corresponding patient
archive must be kept in the given directory in PC (patient archive directory), or data can not be
4.1 Click “Device” in the menu bar and choose “Download”.
4.2 The analysis software can automatically read the device ID and the registered user information,
which will be compared with the patient archive in patient archive directory. If the relevant
information matches, a dialog box shows up.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
Click “Yes” and the analysis software can automatically download data and update patient archive
with the latest information.
4.3 If a mismatch occurs in the information comparison between RESmart device and patient
archive, then another dialog box is popped up.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
The option “Use a matched file” indicates that the analysis software has already found a matched
file in the patient archive directory. Or this option is forbidden.
4.4 If no user information exists in the RESmart device, the analysis software prompts that data
can not be downloaded until a new patient archive is created.
4.5 If there is no patient archive in patient archive directory associated with RESmart information,
the analysis software prompts that a new patient archive should be created first and then data
download can be performed.
4.6 Analysis software can open the patient archive automatically once upon download finish.
5. Opening Patient Archive
Data and statistical results can be accessed by direct opening the patient archive if the RESmart
data have already been downloaded and kept in a PC.
5.1 Click “File” in the menu bar and choose “open patient archive” option from the pull-down
menu. A dialog box with a file directory and file list shows up in the display screen. The target
patient archive is usually included in the list.
5.2 Open the target file in patient archive directory.
6. Checking the Therapeutic Records
6.1 A new window demonstrating user’s therapeutic records can be seen on the display screen
after patient archive is open. See the following picture.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
Date of recording is on the left side of the window.
The middle part of the picture shows the variation of therapeutic pressure in the form of colorful
The relevant therapeutic data are listed on the right side of the window.
6.2 The therapeutic records can be seen forth and backwards by dragging the scroll bar on the
6.3 The diagram of therapeutic trend on a certain day can be reached by double-clicking the
corresponding therapeutic information line.
6.4 Information on RESmart in present file is available by clicking the RESmart icon .
6.5 Information on the related registered user can be reached by clicking the registered user
information icon .
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
6.6 Click “File” in the menu bar and choose “Print” to get the print output or “Print preview” to
preview the therapeutic trend diagram.
6.7 Press “Shut down” button in up right corner to close the therapeutic information file.
7. Checking the Diagrams of the Recorded Therapeutic Trends
The therapeutic trend window can be open by double-clicking the treatment information line in the
therapeutic recording window thus therapeutic trend diagram can be observed.
7.1 The diagrams of therapeutic trends from top to bottom are
 diagram of therapeutic pressure trend,
 diagram of snoring level trend,
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
 diagram of respiratory event trend, respectively.
7.2 The analytical software can make the therapeutic pressure or snoring level information of
corresponding time display beside the cursor while the computer mouse is moving throughout
the diagram of therapeutic pressure trend or of snoring level.
7.3 Click “File” in the menu bar and choose “Print” to get the print output or “Print preview” to
preview the therapeutic trend diagram.
7.4 Press “Shut down” button in the up right corner to close the window of therapeutic
trend diagram. And we return to the window of therapeutic information.
8. RESmart Device Controlling
8.1 Click “Device information” in “Device” menu to get the information on both the device and
its registered user.
8.2 Click “Device time” in “Device” menu to display the time of RESmart’s clock.
8.3 Click “Device Synchronization” in “Device” menu to keep RESmart’s clock in accordance
with that of a PC.
8.4 Click “User Register” in “Device” menu to modify information of its user.
9. Setting the Options
9.1 Click “Option” in “View” menu to open the option window.
9.2 Select the appropriate item in serial combo box.
9.3 A communication waiting time span can be set here and if no acknowledgement is received
from RESmart within this period, the analytical software will report errors.
9.4 Press “Browse” button to set patient archive directory and then the analytical software is able
to search for the patient archive that matches the present RESmart device.
10. Install the driver for transformation from USB to universal
serial port
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
This driver is required to be installed only when the software is intended to
replay and analyze the recorder data.
10.1 Make sure that the PC serial port works well.
10.2 Plug the USB-serial port cable in the USB socket. System will detect it
and the ‘found new hardware wizard’ appears to set the new device.
Otherwise, follow step 2.8 to manually install the driver.
10.3 Insert the CD of driver for transformation from USB to universal serial
port, select ‘install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’ and then click
10.4 Set the options according to the following figure in the search and
installation options page. Press ‘Browse’, and add the directory of the driver
to the blank of ‘include this location in the search’. Click ‘Next’.
10.5 The wizard continues with the installation after finding the driver.
Figure 10 Found new hardware wizard
10.6 Press ‘Finish’ to quit the driver installation interface after installation.
10.7 Right-click the shortcut ‘my computer’ on the desktop and enter the
system properties interface, click ‘Device Manager’ in the ‘hardware’ page to
check out whether the Prolific USB to Serial Comm Port (COMX) is seen
under ‘port (COM & LPT)’. If so, it is suggested that the USB to serial port
cable has been set to serial port COMX (COMX may be one of COM1,
COM2, etc) and can work.
RESmart User Manual BMC Medical Co.
10.8 If ‘? USB-Serial Controller’ comes up in device manager, the installation
is supposed not to be done or not correct and need to add the driver again.
10.9 Right click ‘? USB-Serial Controller’ and select ‘Update Driver’. Follow
step 2.3 to install driver under the direction of the hardware update wizard
of the pop-up window.
11. Setting the Languages
Click “Language” in the “View” menu. The language used in this software can be set in the
12. Exiting
Press the “Shut down” button in the up right corner to quit the RESmart analytical