Author Topic: Air China Continues its Involvement in Tour de Qinghai Lake วันที่ 3 มิถุนายน 25  (Read 28696 times)


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Air China Continues its Involvement in Tour de Qinghai Lake
วันที่ 3 มิถุนายน 2554 16:43 น.
ที่มา PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ InfoQuest    [E-mail] [Print] [Facebook] [Twitter] 
          According to a deal struck between Air China and the organizing committee of the 10th Tour de Qinghai Lake on June 3, Air China has been named the only carrier for the event. Having sponsored the cycling gala for 10 years, Air China has provided attractive fares and transportation for over 20 teams from around the world and hundreds of cyclists and staff members. With its sense of corporate citizenship and the will to serve communities, Air China has left its deep imprint on the history of Tour de Qinghai Lake.

          (Logo: )
          The partnership began in 2002 when Tour de Qinghai Lake had its first run in the western province of Qinghai. In the past 9 years, Tour de Qinghai Lake has evolved into one of the world's most recognized sports on plateau and played an instrumental role in helping the economy of west China grow. According to China Brand Value Research Center, Tour de Qinghai Lake boasts a brand valued at RMB 1.36 billion. It affords an opportunity not only for the province of Qinghai to showcase its nature, history and culture, but also for Air China to publicize its brand image.
          "Thanks should go to all walks of life, some companies in particular, for their support," said Zhang Ning, an official of Qinghai provincial government, at the signing ceremony. "It is that support that has made the event what it is today. The agreement names Air China the only carrier for the event. It reflects Air China's commitment to the national athletic brand and the development of the west."
          "The partnership between Air China and the event will provide a window on the country," said Zhou Enyong, the marketing head of Air China. "We will continue to look for more opportunities to work together and bring more community benefits."
          The 10th Tour de Qinghai Lake will be taking place from 1st to 10th of July. It has been recognized by the International Cycling Union and is an international cycling event with the highest elevation, alongside Tour de France, Tour de Italy and Tour de Spain. Each year, it attracts over 100 cyclists in around 20 teams from the world over.
          For more, head to the carrier's official website
          SOURCE Air China
          AsiaNet 44901
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